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My Must Read Tarot Books and Guidebooks

Updated: Mar 1, 2024

Tarot Interactions Debrah Lipp  | Untold Tarot Caitlin Matthews | Business Class Tarot | Robert Place | Tarot Da Vinci

I've had this post in my to-do list for quite a while, and it was about time to get it done, especially now that I am slowly rebuilding my reading habit, something that I have not done as frequently as I used to for the past couple of years.

Truth be told, I find it hard to come across a Tarot book that I want to go back to or adds something unheard of, however, those that I've found have become reference guides that I go back to time and again, and which lessons are present in my readings and in my classes. Without further ado, let me introduce you my favourite tarot books of all times!

Tarot Interactions (Deborah Lipp) 2015

Probably my all-times favourite Tarot book and the one that has had a greater impact in my reading style. This is not a book of meanings, but a book of reading techniques that complement your readings and helps you take them beyond the usual card-by-card interpretations. It is a must-have if you are looking into working with your readings on multiple levels and layers, considering every possible interaction among the reader, the querent, the cards, the spread and everything else, to help you perform unique readings that hit the nail right on the head every time!

Fortune Stellar (Christiana Gaudet) 2010 / 2017

Fortune Stellar is a fantastic resource that touches on reading techniques, advice for new and seasoned readers, exercises to figure out who you are as a reader as well as what your readings are about, guidance to help you establish yourself as a professional reader and more! The book was originally published in 2010 and then re-edited in 2017 with up-to-date information and resources and some additions that you can't miss.

Untold Tarot (Caitlín Matthews) 2018

This is one of the latest books of Tarot that I've read and one that I have quickly added to my list of must-read books! Based on the Marseilles system, it shows how to incorporate ancient cartomantic techniques into your readings as well as it goes through different versions of my beloved Tableau, so it has been love at first sight and it has me shouting on the rooftops about it! I could go into the many different pearls of information that you can add to your next reading straight away, I have my copy underlined with highlighter! But I'll better tell you to grab your own copy and enjoy. (And yes, I write in books, sue me!)

Guidebooks and Booklets That Changed My Life

Now this is a small section for those companion books and booklets that are just too good to miss! If you're considering the purchase of these decks, don't let the companion book or booklet collect dust!

Da Vinci Tarot Booklet (Lo Scarabeo - Mark McElroy) 2003

This was the only information that I had for years when I began my reading journey so it holds a piece of my heart but also, despite being quite brief, it has some very interesting tips that I use up to this day. The part of the card description and meanings, though not necessarily applicable to every deck in its imagery, is brief but concise and conveys the essence of the card in a way that you can later translate to different decks. Very recommendable, especially for new readers.

The Vampire Tarot Companion Book (Robert M. Place) 2009

This is a book that I would enjoy even in the absence of the deck. I may be a bit biased here, because Dracula is one of my favourite novels of all times and I love how this book goes into the figure of the vampire even without touching Tarot aspects. Mixing the expertise of Place with history, Tarot and vampires makes for a delicious book that will add a twist to your meanings through the symbolism of these cards. Besides, there are some very interesting spreads explained in this book.

Business Class Tarot Companion Booklet (Anthony Dobranski) 2018

This booklet gave me a whole lot of insight in all matters pertaining career, business and professional development! I frequently use some of the information contained here (of course with due attribution) in my classes and it is a perfect example on how to translate the core aspects of the cards in a new context.

Phantasmagoria Companion Book of Tarot of Vampyres (Ian Daniels) 2010

The companion book of Ian Daniels' Tarot of Vampyres is a jewel that goes in depth into various aspects of each card, including correspondences and other aspects that will be delightful for those who enjoy learning about the most esoteric aspects of the card, as well as by those who love to work with the shadow aspects.


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